Planning Your Own Big Adventure?

When we were still in the planning stages, we relied heavily on the other overlanders who had gone before us… here, we keep the cycle going, with detailed truck and camper info, lists and links to the gear we love, extensive information to help you cross each border (with dogs!) and our up to date campsite listings.

Gear We Love: Here you’ll find links to some of the gear that made the Big Adventure a success.  We are not Amazon affiliates and aren’t getting paid to promote these products, unlike a lot of the other gear lists out there.  What you need, or want, may be completely different but these are good starting points to preparing for an extended overland trip.

Camping Essentials

Dog Essentials

Health Essentials

Kitchen Essentials

Security Essentials

Truck Essentials

Making Your Camper a Home

Wish List for Neli’s (Next) Big Adventure

The Never Bin – Find out what was inside our giant plastic bin that we didn’t use once in over a year and a half!

Border Crossings with a Dog:  You won’t find more detailed, step-by-step border crossing information than over at Life Remotely however they were traveling without a dog.  We used their advice most of the time and have basically updated it here to include dealing with the hassle of traveling with your dog.

United States to Mexico

Mexico to Belize

Belize to Guatemala

Guatemala to El Salvador

El Salvador to Honduras

Honduras to Nicaragua

Nicaragua to Costa Rica

Where We Stayed:  A list of all the campgrounds, gas stations, hostels and hotels that we stayed in, complete with GPS location, photo, and price.  Obviously, prices will change and pros/cons are highly subjective.

Where we stayed in Mexico

Where we stayed in Belize

Where we stayed in Guatemala

Where we stayed in El Salvador

Where we stayed in Nicaragua

Where we stayed in Costa Rica

Where we stayed in California

If anything isn’t clear, you have any questions about anything, you have a correction to make, or just want to say hi, feel free to contact us!

4 thoughts on “Planning Your Own Big Adventure?

    1. Neli Post author

      Awesome, so happy you’re following along and that our page can be of help! Looking forward to following along on YOUR big adventure, hopefully we run into you somewhere on the road 🙂


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